Open an infinite of possibilities

What is “EcoPrana”

Prana is the Sanskrit word for “Life force”.In Oriental medicine, and martial arts, etc. the term refers to a cosmic energy believed to come from the sun and connecting the elements of the universe(reference:Wikipedia).Thus, our company name EcoPrana means “Ecological life force”. Therefor, our mission is create new type of green & clean energy.

What EcoPrana can do

  1. Conversion of any vegetable oil into SN OIL
    In addition to the liquid biofuel currently completed, development of conversion of new secondary resources (oil) into liquid biofuel
  2. Design and construction of SN OIL production plant
    Provide production plants according to any secondary resources and production volume
  3. Consulting service for commercialization of biofuel based on our experience and achievements in ecoplanner.

Achievements in synthetic bio-oil