contact us

Contact to us

Name of company Eco Prana Co.Ltds
Head office:
806-2, Misa, Ichikawa-cho, Kanzaki-gun, Hyogo, 679-2335 Japan
Miki Factory:
724-361, Okiharu, Bessho-cho, Miki-city, Hyogo, 673-0442 Japan (Japanese)
TEL: +01-794-86-0650 FAX: +81-794-88-8044

Eco Prana Co.Ltds
Rregistered officee:806-2, Misa, Ichikawa-cho, Kanzaki-gun, Hyogo, Japan,
FAX:+81-790-28-2389 Uno

Kaoru Uno

Approach of environmental improvement together with improved fuel efficiency.
We feel that such valuable gifts from our earth should not be wasted or misused by greediness. And, it's our responsibility to make our future children will enable to inherit the treasure resources with smile.

office location

Message from CEO We appreciate your interest in our business. We are studied about the improvement and reinvention of fuel for more than 15 years. And personaly for more than 20 years I was interested in the field of combustion. It was a series of surprises and many failures. When the cost of petroleum was very cheap, no one was interested in environmental technology. But now, as the petroleum has become a huge market, it is very precious. We have a strong will to actively promote our technological expansion and cooperation across national borders. We have a Japanese national pride as a samurai country.  We are ready to visit any country in the world if we could to have the contractual relationship based on mutual trust.